What lifestyle changes will I need to make after a stroke?

Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009

After a stroke, you may have a variety of disabilities. Although some disabilities may be permanent, participation in a stroke rehabilitation (rehab) program can help you recover as much of your abilities as possible. The types of disabilities you have and your potential for recovery depend on:
Which side of the brain was affected (whether it's your dominant side).
Which region of the brain was damaged by the stroke.
How much of the brain was damaged.
Your general health before the stroke.

Starting rehabilitation as soon as possible after a stroke—even while you are in the hospital—is vital for your long-term recovery.

Your rehab may take place in different settings. A successful recovery depends on your ability and willingness to participate as well as good support from your family and health professionals.
Hospital and rehabilitation center programs. Stroke rehabilitation may be provided by a special rehab center or by a rehab unit in a hospital. Therapy will be provided by a team of therapists, including rehabilitation doctors and nurses and an occupational therapist, speech therapist, physical therapist, psychologist, and recreational therapist. You may remain hospitalized or participate as an outpatient.
Nursing home programs. Some nursing homes provide stroke rehabilitation programs.
Outpatient programs. Outpatient rehabilitation programs allow you to live at home and receive a full range of services at a hospital outpatient department, rehab center, or day hospital program.
Home health programs. Home health programs allow you to live at home and receive rehabilitation services from visiting health professionals, such as a physical therapist, occupational therapist, or a speech therapist. An important advantage of a home program is that you can learn skills for daily living where you will use them.

For more information, see the topic Stroke Rehabilitation.

copy from www.health.com

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